
Communicating digital transformation to a global leading chemical company.

Art Direction & Illustration: Maria Helena Toscano – Motion Graphics: Maria Helena Toscano – Agency: A00 Human Centered Transformation – Client: Lanxess

Visual Language & Brand Book

Lanxess is a leading chemical company with its headquarters in Cologne. The task consisted on the development of an image language for a wide-range program of digital transformation within the company. The strategy was to communicate digital transformation as a brand, in order to create an emotional link and to generate engagement. Part of the task was to execute and develop different communication materials to introduce and explain the incorporation of new technologies and processes within the company.

Brand guidelines

Icon System · Illustrations · Images

From its conception Lanxess corporate identity was influenced by the Bauhaus, as a result the new design for the digital transformation program reflected a resemblance with Bauhaus elements consisting on basic and geometric shapes together with primary colors. The brand assets include a photography language and playbook, wordmark, color palette and an illustration style.

Explaining Complexity

One of the key elements of the visual language was the introduction of illustrations, this was essential to soften the complexity of the subjects and important to avoid technophobia.  

Digital Transformation is Animated


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